Privacy Policy

Personal information protection:
Safeguarding your privacy is one of our foremost concerns. While you access our website/app, you may be required to share your personal information like name, address, contact number, credit card details, and bank information. The information you share with us is dealt with maximum care and security and is in no way shared with any third party. No information about you is collected automatically/without your knowledge while you browse our site.
However, if there is legal necessity entailing us to share customer information, we are bound to cooperate. Demographic Information of all customers in aggregated form can be shared for market research and analysis for advertising purposes.
Your site visit date, purchase history cart details are saved in your cookies , we use that information to give you a better customized shopping experience. Sites are designed to accept cookies automatically in most of the cases, you can however change that configuration and prevent your browser from accepting cookies automatically. Cookies in no way help us to access your hard drive data.

Site information protection:
Any use of this website or its contents, including copying or storing it or them in whole or part, other than for your own personal, non-commercial use is prohibited without our explicit permission. You may not modify, distribute or re-post something on this website for any purpose.

INDOSTRINGS will not be responsible of any virus attack to your system/phone/tab and any loss caused by it while using our site/app.